Artists of Walker Bay Modern Art.
Cristina Salvoldi.

I am a sculptor and fabricator of beautiful structures.
Namibian by birth, residing in Cape Town, South Africa
I utilise my background knowledge in film industry fabrication to build on the client’s initial brief and create a visual ‘story’. Having had no formal art education so far, I see myself more as a craftswoman than an artist. I love the unique challenges every project brings as well as the process of finding the right solution. My projects have ranged from miniature sets, up to 9m bronze monuments, dinosaur museum displays and everything in between. Client collaboration is crucial during the fabrication process and I share a studio space with a colleague with whom I collaborate with on larger projects. We currently mentor and train two talented previously disadvantaged individuals during projects which I find very rewarding.
My personal sculpting style is mostly realistic. In recent years, I have found my main medium to be plasticine clay as I cast most of my private work in bronze. I try to capture fleeting moments of everyday life that celebrate the humour, tragedy and beauty of life. My current focal point is children and pets with their quirky, humbling, honest ways and their ability to act as mirrors into our own soul.