Artists of Walker Bay Modern Art.
Kayman Herd.

Kayman Herd presents “Oppie Flets” an in-depth body of work highlighting the plight of those living in marginalized communities on the Cape Flats. From grassroots to the gallery, this engaging collection exposes the harsh realities those living in these communities face on a daily basis.
Kayman Herd is able to engage firsthand with life, in what is considered to be, one of the most notorious communities on the Cape Flats namely Hanover Park. From the borderline position where gang warfare, drug abuse and other social ills are rampant. Kayman is able to observe, document and transpose a wealth of gritty material into conversational pieces.
The Kayman Herd methodology uses the dynamic of “real” situations and experiences underpinned with Cape Flats slang and pertinent information. Besides commenting on the Cape Flats life, Kayman wants people elsewhere to “see” what is happening out there. Headlines and statistics are not enough. Through visual art Kayman offers and ideal platform for people to engage the Cape Flats narrative. The launch of the SAPS’ Anti-Gang Unit in Hanover Park recently attended by Kayman, put the artist’s thoughts and strategy into perspective. Kayman’s intention is to address a very real issue which has been put into motion.
Let’s start the conversation.