Artists of Walker Bay Modern Art.
Marieke Prinsloo-Rowe.

Marieke’s work continues to explore the human figure, considering way in which sculpture mimics the three dimensionality of a human presence and thus the powerful dialogue it invites – human to human look-alike.
Her fascination with the human body as a carrier of stories led her to a focus on public art, mostly cast in cement. Concrete, that humble material of sidewalks and skyscrapers has become an urban language and significant, telling our stories back to us.
The instinctive recognition that figurative sculpture elicits from its ‘real’ living viewer has brought about innumerable interpretations, from ancient to modern art making. As such it has generated a deep, communal reservoir of expression, one to which each new piece adds in depth and complexity.
Marieke’s sculpture ever seeks to make the layered experience of everyday life more understandable, more meaningful - setting in place sculpted bodies as carriers of stories and dreams - of honouring the past, preserving the present and hoping in the future.
As the sculptures flit through these static moments they set them in stone and hallow them from profane to sacred, turning the viewing of each into a rite of passage.
And so their story becomes an invitation.
She models mostly in wax and clay and casts in cement composite, resin composites and bronze.